A news article is a piece of journalism which focuses on current events. It is often written in a newspaper, magazine or on the internet. News articles should be written objectively and not contain the author’s personal opinions. A good news article will include the basic facts of the story – such as when, who, where and why. It will also provide details about the topic and will usually include quotes from people who are knowledgeable about the subject matter. It is important to research the topic thoroughly before writing a news article. This will ensure that the information is accurate and up-to-date.
The purpose of the news media – newspapers, radio and television – is to inform and educate its readers, listeners or viewers. Entertainment is not a primary function of the news, though it may be included in the form of music and drama on radio or in the newspapers’ comics and crossword sections.
Various models exist which attempt to explain what makes news. One is the Mirror Model which holds that news should reflect reality and that a journalist’s job is to present the facts in an impartial way. Another is the Organizational Model which argues that the way that journalists and news organizations operate is influenced by various pressures within society, including social, commercial and political.
It is thought that news items are selected for publication based on a combination of factors which are called news values. These are curiosity, contrast, controversy, conflict and surprise. Curiosity is the desire to know what will happen, contrast is a fascination with differences, controversy is interest in arguments and conflicts and surprise is interest in the unexpected.
In addition, some events are more significant than others and therefore have more impact. These are referred to as breaking news stories. For example, it is unlikely that the discovery of an insect living on a plant which it did not previously inhabit would be big news in a general newspaper or broadcast; but if the insect was a very rare species which was being conserved and could only be found in this location, then it might become a leading story.
The way that a news article is written will also influence how it is received. An objective, unbiased approach is preferred but this is not always possible in the face of public outrage or a desire to sensationalize a story. In such cases it may be necessary to insert opinion into the story in order to give it some added value.
The structure of a news article should follow the inverted pyramid style where the most important points are made early on and then followed by supporting information. The author should write in a conversational tone and use third person pronouns such as he, she or it rather than first person pronouns like I. It is important to include a byline which states who wrote the article, especially if it will be published in a print media such as a newspaper or magazine.