Automobiles are four-wheeled passenger vehicles designed primarily for road transportation and propelled by an internal combustion engine using a volatile fuel. They have become the dominant means of transportation around the world, with more than three trillion miles driven each year on average. Modern automobiles are complex technical systems with thousands of subsystems that perform specific design functions, such as steering, suspension and braking. In addition, they can provide a comfortable ride for passengers, provide access to jobs and services, and help people explore new areas of the city or country.
Although steam-powered road vehicles existed before the 19th century, the automobile’s emergence was largely due to advances in gasoline engines, which replaced steam as the preferred power source in the late 1800s and early 1900s. In the United States, Henry Ford introduced mass production techniques that revolutionized industrial manufacturing and reduced the price of his Model T runabout until it became affordable to middle-class families. By 1920, American makers held the lion’s share of the global market and European manufacturers struggled to compete.
Throughout the second half of the 20th century, automobile production continued to expand rapidly in all countries. In addition, the industry played a critical role in producing military vehicles and war materiel during World War II. By the end of the century, GM, Ford and Chrysler dominated the global market.
While many people are familiar with the benefits of owning an automobile, others may not realize that it also saves time and money in the long run when compared to other forms of transportation. Having your own vehicle eliminates the need to schedule your trips to fit the schedule of public transit, taxis and ride-sharing services. It also allows you to travel more efficiently, such as taking direct routes or taking advantage of a carpool. Moreover, owning a car can help you get approved for other loans and mortgages by showing that you are responsible with making regular payments.
In addition to personal transport, there are special automobiles that serve other purposes such as fire engines, ambulances and police patrol cars. Some are even computerized, such as self-driving cars that can navigate highways without the assistance of a human driver.
The most popular types of automobiles include sedans, hatchbacks and minivans. Some are equipped for off-road driving and can climb up or over rocks, mud or other rough terrain. Other automobiles are built for specialized jobs such as crane vehicles and road rollers. Some are designed for emergency situations such as fires, floods and earthquakes. These vehicles are called emergency automobiles and they are usually recognizable by their bright colors and distinctive features. Lastly, some are used to haul large loads. They are known as truck cabs or cargo vans and can have up to six seats. Some have special safety features such as seat belts and airbags. Some of these are fitted with radios and stereos to play music during the trip. Some are also fitted with GPS systems to guide drivers in unfamiliar areas.